Thursday, October 27, 2016

CSHS Wildcat UIL Students Attend Conference at UT Austin

Twenty-Eight Wildcat UIL students weathered the chilly morning of October 22, in order to attend theannualUIL Student Activities Conference. The educational conference is composed of countless sessions which focus on the 25 different UIL academic events.  Each session is designed to help, beginner, moderate, and advanced UIL students hone their skills in their particular events.

Students who attended the conference include: Michael Uriegas, Meagan Garcia, Lydia Rios, Maria G. Selgado, Maria I. Selgado, Nadia Riojas, Clarissa Yanez, Amanda Martinez, Rubi Figueroa-Villarreal, Christian Sustaita, David Gomez, Julianna Vargas, Christina Janca, Elias Torres, Micaela Uriegas, Annika Uriegas, Jack Jimenez, Amber Rocha, Lois Owolabi, Gift Owolabi, Ginger Sifuentez, Juan Oyervides, Noe Gonzales, Yvette Martinez, Josh Velasquez, Jazmine Velasquez, Victor Doria, and Ashley Gonzalez.

Thank you to the UIL academic coaches who attended the meet with their students.  Mr. Escamilla would also like to commend the students on their excellent behavior during the entire trip. The next outing for Wildcat UIL will be on October 29, when the math and science students travel to John Jay HS to compete their tournament.  For more information and schedules, please make sure to email or call 830-876-9393 Ext. 4109.  AWESOME WILDCAT BRAIN POWER!

Lois Owolabi Featured as Guest Performer at UIL Conference

Lois Owolabi, UIL Poetry Interpretation student, was invited to perform her new literary selections at this year’s UIL Student Activities Conference which took place at The University of Texas at Austin. This honor is only bestowed on students who have won a place as a state medalist the previous year.  As a state medalist, Lois received her invitation in July and gladly accepted.  Along with this prestigious honor, comes great work and responsibility because the performer has to select, organize, practice, and perform a brand new selection—this is even more difficult since UIL has changed its categories for this year.

Lois performed for an audience filled with prose and poetry judges, coaches, and students from around the state of Texas.  She performed a selection which focused on the tragedy of cancer but highlighted the courageousness and heroism of its victims.  This was an appropriate theme since we are in the midst of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a point well-made by Lois in her introduction and selections of poetry, and incorporated song lyrics.

Congratulations to Lois on her wonderful and notable accomplishment.  She continues to bring honor and pride to our school and community with her talent, leadership, and dedication.  Keep up the good work.

If you would like to learn more about our wonderful Wildcat UIL program, students, and academic coaches, please email or call 830-876-9393 Ext. 4109.  You will learn more about how our Wildcats are using their knowledge and talents to extend their academic skills and apply them outside the classroom and achieve academic excellence through competition.  AWESOME WILDCAT BRAIN POWER!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Debaters Organize Files for Competition

The Wildcat UIL debaters, under the direction of  team captain Lois Owolabi, organize their files in order to get ready for competition.  They sift through a great deal of information in order to organize evidence for their cases.  Keep up the good work, team!  "It's so great to see that these young people are so self-directed and self-disciplined to practice and focus on their own," commented Mr. Escamilla, UIL Director.

Dayden Allen, Victor Doria, and Lois Owolabi


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

UIL Student Activities Conference Tentative Schedule-Austin-Oct. 22

Attention: Wildcat UIL participants

If you signed up to attend the UIL Student Activities Conference which will be held at UT Austin on Oct. 22, please make sure you have submitted your medical consent form by Thursday, Oct. 20.  In addition, please get a hard copy of the tentative schedule from Mr. Escamilla or you can click below to access.

Click below to access schedule